Healthy carrot cake

A delicious gluten free, dairy free (and healthy!) Carrot Cake that takes just 30 seconds in the Thermomix to whip up!

Wet Ingredients

400g carrots, quartered
300g pineapple (I used tinned pineapple pieces in juice)
4 eggs (substitute with silken tofu, apple sauce or your favourite egg alternative for a Vegan option)
80g coconut oil
1 tsp vanilla extract
140g apple puree (I use 1 tub of Golburn Valley)
80g honey (Substitute with agave nectar or maple syrup for a Vegan option)
2 tsp Stevia

Dry Ingredients

200g oat flour (I mill a large batch of Oats and keep it in the cupboard to use for recipes)
200g almond meal
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg
2 tsp bicarb soda (baking soda)
3/4 tsp sea salt
150g walnuts
80g sultanas


Preheat oven to 165C.
Grease and flour a cake tin and 12 muffin cups
Weigh carrots, pineapple and wet ingredients into the Thermomix bowl, and mix on speed 5 for 15 seconds.
Add dry ingredients and mix on speed 5 for 5 seconds.
Stir in sultanas on speed 3 for 5 seconds
Cook for approximately 30-40 minutes for cupcakes, and an hour and a half for cakes, depending on your oven.
Check by poking a skewer into the centre – it should come out nearly clean when the cakes are done.

Top with your favourite cream cheese icing if desires and you’re ready to go!

This makes 12 muffins and a cake, so if you are only wanting to make one cake or only 12 muffins, just halve the recipe