About Ami
I am an Emotional Intelligence and Wellbeing Coach and I am on a constant journey of learning more…more about myself, about others, about wellness, why we feel the way that we do and about our fitness and health.
But don’t get me wrong…I haven’t always been a Coach. There have been dark times in my life which is where my Coaching journey began. I have struggled with stress, overwhelm and anxiety - coupled with disordered eating patterns and the breakdown of a previous 13 year relationship and Engagement.
I had lost who I was. I didn’t know what I liked or what made me happy and the best way that I could explain it was that I had lost my sparkle.
I have been there.
The sleepless nights, the un-easy feeling in your stomach and the constant worry that something just isn’t right. I made the life-changing decision to begin Coaching sessions and that 6 month period absolutely changed my life.
I have learned how to understand and control my emotions. I have learned how to prioritise myself (without feeling guilty) and best of all, I re-learned just what it is that makes me feel happy and fulfilled and I can actively work towards this every single day.
And so can you.
There’s a reason that you are on this page. There’s something telling you there has to be more. Something has to change. I know it’s scary, but I can be there by your side to guide you through.
I have made it my priority to study and train over the last 2 years and I am qualified in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and am currently studying Positive Psychology. I have the tools to be able to help you feel the way you want to feel.